Enjoy Of Life, while on crisis 3

May be I want a career totally out of the ordinary nature as I have been, say like being a flight attendant, I wrote on my diary blog, social networking wall, Life in Pink. I would love to travel and meet new people, but to be honest, I just do not know. People like this situation as I am was some of them moving back their old hometown to corps a big blow to the self-esteem. Even those with job sometime feel like struck doing something they do not enjoy because they fear they have no other positions, or even salary and others fringe benefit cut down.

Considering of how or possibilities that they want to go back to school for a master’s or MBA, but they are not doing it because they are already in deep debt. Kids are changing their dreams. They are going for things more pragmatic in terms of earning a living and getting a job later. Kids are now thinking about what is the safe thing to do to get a pay cheque. But the anxiety over the future and the disappointment in not landing passion-fulfilling jobs make the quarter life depression worse. At the same time, technology is breeding a generation of online sulkers.

Enjoy Of Life, while on crisis 2

You may call it a ‘quarter life crisis’, the twenties something version of a youngster crisis. It is not new phenomenon, but today young people seem to experience it more acutely. And with the tumultuous economy and job market melt down, recent grades are getting a double helping of quarter life anxiety. Unlike young adults of generation past, many of whom were married and settled in their careers by their mid 20s, today’s college grade experience a longer period of transition.

No longer entirely dependent on their parents but not yet stable in life, they go in a lot of directions, and change jobs a lot, change love partners. I believe this transition period can be positive, with its opportunities for growth and adventure. But for some people, the turmoil brings worry, fears of failure or of being trapped by responsibilities, or depression. ‘My job made me unhappy because I do not know what I really wanted out of my career. Then in future or may be this year, the bad economy made me decision for me, or was laid off.’

Enjoy Of Life, while on crisis 1

Wandering away with a non-degree lonely out class, I moved to Bangkok down town in 1989 to find my dream opportunities and job in the big city. What I found instead was that life after classroom and home away was not all I hope it would be. There were the job I did not like, the all-new big city in which I had no friends no relatives nor native family members and the much nostalgia or even homesickness I felt for the happiness of my neighbors and places. Put them all together what I had was a severe case of out class far away range deep blues.